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  • 004 - The toolbox you need to be productive

004 - The toolbox you need to be productive

All the tools I use for performance and to manage my life.

It's easy to feel like complicating your setup by adding more and more tools. But your productivity depends on your workflow, not on how many tools you use.

Efficiency and effectiveness require testing, self awareness, and constant refinement.

You already have all the resources necessary to get started, you just need to choose 2-3 main tools to solve a problem and do the work.

You already have everything you need. You just need to execute.

Julia Pagani

There's a layer of self awareness that I've realised doesn't get mentioned as much when it comes to actually creating those workflows, as well as learning new tools — or getting better with the ones you already know.

Before I give you the list of what I use to manage my life, business and hobbies, I want to talk about this topic briefly.

Being self aware means to have a deep understanding of your feelings, thoughts, actions, values, and beliefs. And much can be explored when it comes to actually tackling a task such as building a second brain: if you aren't aware, how can you build an extension to your brain in the first place? Let alone to do the organisation that precedes building.

It isn't so much the blank page syndrome that may happen when you open a Notion page, but, for some, the lack of awareness of the moment, the "big picture" of one's life, and the ability to translate that into a system.

What areas need more attention and organisation? Where are you lacking discipline? What are you negatively feeling right now that requires clarity in order to become a positive feeling?

To me, there's an inherent "itch" that happens when I think of a problem that doesn't fit a post-it on my screen.

It's the itch that I call "Systemphoria", that euphoria that precedes the impending organisation. I'm aware of that feeling and I am aware of the process I need to take in order to transform the problem into a project.

Once you've done it enough, it all blossoms in your minds eye. This is a "digital ascension" that happens when you are aware of the big picture as well as the internals that caused the systemphoria.

The "I don't know how to use the tool" is just an excuse to the lack of awareness of how to transform that "itch" into a solution. The impending challenge feels heavier than the solution itself, and the pain of the problems seems more comforting than the process to solve it.

If the documentation of the app itself is poor, there're guaranteed Youtube videos or blog posts everywhere to sane the lack of ability. For some, learning means discomfort, not liberty.

The tool itself isn't the solution, but how well you can translate the problem into a project is.


Notion (and Notion Calendar)

I use Notion as a tracker for anything that can be measured, as well as a second brain. I used to use it to write as well, but as we will see soon, it isn't the case anymore.

I've built several Second Brains, and every 6 months I feel the urge to rebuild it — whether because I've outgrown the previous one or because Notion has updated drastically.

I'm constantly making improvements into my LifeOS and it is a reflect of my personal growth. I use my own SolopreneurOS at the moment.

Wheel of Life in Notion

I also track my finances and my businesses in it.


Where I do most of my writing and journaling nowadays -- as well as tracking my booknotes. The first reason to switch my writing was having a single, dedicated app for that. I do sometimes miss the connectivity I have with my business' Brand Universe, for example. The second reason to switch from Notion was to have the really cool neural map (I like to call it like that).


MacOS comes with a Sticky note app installed in it, which most people don't know. I find it a lot more visually appealing — when the screen is off and so are they.

I keep track of more immediate tasks, but on Sundays I tend to "throw" them into my Notion if they haven't been updated.

I also keep my "focus" of the day on a tiny note on the top right.

Apple Notes

Groceries list, affirmations, and other things that I edit often all go to Apple Notes.

The reason why I use it is for ease to share with my mom and partner, as well as, again, being simpler.

Bullet Journal

Some things are better processed by hand writing it. So, an old fashioned bullet journal is my best friend for those moments that I need extra clarity or a nudge on my faith. I prefer the dotted pages so I can doodle as well.

Concepts app

When studying, this app is my best friend: hand writing on the iPad on an infinite Canvas is a breeze with Concepts app.

Depending on the book, I also create an infinite canvas note besides all the highlights.

Concepts is an incredible thinking tool if you truly need the "space" to visualize and problem solve but don't want to waste paper.

Kindle reader

My most recent acquisition and honestly, I don't know why I didn't get it earlier. On the previous photo you can compare how much more blue the iPad screen is compared to the Kindle, and the fact that is only a reader makes up for less distraction as well.

I'm glad I got the 6' version since I read a lot and it fits on my hoodie's Kangaroo pocket, I take it to the gym to read while doing cardio, fits in most bags and weighs nothing.


The little app that makes importing highlights from books a breeze. Connect the Kindle, hit a button, select all, copy and paste into Obsidian and voi-lá, I can easily reread and connect ideas from within my second brain.


The Nitro button for my brain, marketing strategies, language learning and everything in between. On this newsletter and on NotionExplorer, I will cover in detail how I use it on my day to day.

I feel like people use ChatGPT very wrongly as a "companion" app for strategic and deep thinking, relying on its input instead of guiding. For example, why not teach it your brand universe by referencing your Notion system?

I also use it as a book reader assistant. I tell it what book I'm reading and input bits and pieces so it can explain to me in other ways, create analogies, and summarize concepts.

Facing a big problem? Ask GPT to break it down into simpler steps. Organise it inside a project in Notion, then break it down each step into tasks you can do now. You will see how your life will change drastically in a short period of time. GPT used that way is the friend you wish you had when you need support and a nudge.

Take the transcription from a YT video, ask it to proof read it and format it, then summarize and create action steps. Actually put what you consume to use and transform with immediate action.

AI is a topic we will discuss a lot here in Systemphoria.

Vivaldi Browser

The to-go work browser for me, Vivaldi is a Chromium based web browser that has a few nifty built in tools to help you be more productive.

Built in split screen

This is by far the best feature it has in my opinion, and one that I use a lot in my workdays when working building templates and systems.


I have admin days, study hours, marketing hours, building hours, another business... It become a tab mess.

But, in Vivaldi, I can work within a workspace and not worry about RAM usage.

Easy page zoom

I have a large screen, so by default, all pages start with 130% zoom, and the slider at the bottom makes it easy to reset, zoom in or out from a page. Reading 16px on a 27'? Never again.

Other cool features that makes Vivaldi my go to browser:

  1. Page actions: black and white filter, monospace font only, page minimap (hello webdesigners!), css debugger, filter obscure (blurs the page)

  2. Built in screen shot tool

  3. Built in Pomodoro

  4. Translate by highlighting text

  5. Add websites to the sidebar for quick access

  6. Save sessions (save all tabs to a session to momentarily clear a workspace)

  7. Tab stacking

  8. Pause button

Brave Browser

Never pay for Youtube Premium again. Download any video from the web on your phone to watch anywhere. I have quite a few favorite videos downloaded there that I rewatch when I needed a reminder or something else to watch while doing cardio.

Bitwarden and Keychain

Sincerely, stop keeping your passwords on a blocked Note. That's all I have to say.

Google Workspace

We use GW in our jewelry business to have multiple email aliases and domains connected to one, and a larger Drive.


If you struggle to keep inbox 0, it's because you're not using GMail and adding filters to your inbox. Create categories, add filters to move, forward, or automatically archive emails from certain senders or with certain topics, and find yourself with only what matters on your inbox.


Take full advantage of my favorite platforms and partners. I will always only recommend what I use.

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